It's true. I am blessed beyond measure and couldn't be more excited about life. I have been blessed with new friends, gotten together with old ones, was taken out to lunch on Sunday by a family in the beautiful and welcoming church I now attend (, and while distance is hard, makes the planning for a special Christmas visit (aka BEN IS COMING) all the more fun! My life here in the city is truly unique, and I only hope that as I trust God to take care of the little stresses, will benefit in great measure by this experience. I love the students (even though I find myself speaking very clearly for the rest of the day since they don't understand much), the teachers are super excited to have me at the school, I begin babysitting on Monday, am going to a fashion exposition on Friday, and had a day off today to meet a friend I haven't seen since I was here in December! Truly....truly blessed. If one feels lonely, one only needs to take the steps needed to jump back into society, give of yourself and your time, and the rewards of friendship and blessings will indeed come. It's exactly what I need right now, and while I'm going to get busier starting next week, am ready to run around the city like the resident I have become! A bientôt!

A walk in the bois de bologne

Nutella and chocolate ice cream! :)
YAY! What a great post.
By the way, did I tell you we will be in Europe from January - July?
Je suis hereux de voir le photo de Eiffel ! Merci !
A bientôt !
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